The Commodore’s Log Book
From the Snipe Bulletin - Spring 2018 Hello Snipe Sailors! The Board has revised the Class Rules and Class documents. This was a long and difficult job for the Rules Committee, but they have been posted on the World Sailing website and we recently emailed the complete and updated Rulebook to all members. You can always find and download the most up to date version of rules and other official documents on the class website: Why not download and have all the rules on your mobile or iPad? ...

From the Snipe Bulletin – Spring 2018
Hello Snipe Sailors!
The Board has revised the Class Rules and Class documents. This was a long and difficult job for the Rules Committee, but they have been posted on the World Sailing website and we recently emailed the complete and updated Rulebook to all members. You can always find and download the most up to date version of rules and other official documents on the class website: Why not download and have all the rules on your mobile or iPad?
In this Bulletin are the submitted proposals for changes to the Class rules, which will be voted on by the Board in July. Until June, I encourage you to discuss the proposals and comment on the “Discussion Forum”: proposals. You can also contact me or another Board member.
The regatta season has now begun, and it is important that each country and fleet share their calendar and their regattas. The world is small and each of us wants to know what’s happening on the other side of the world. So send us your results, photos, and regatta reports.
I plan to attend the Master Worlds in Vilamoura, the European Championship in Pori and the WH & O Championship in Buenos Aires … and maybe other regattas …
As I said in my first Commodore Log Book, promotion is key for the future of our Class at all levels: fleet, district, and continental. The Board warmly encourages fleets in all countries to organize a World Snipe Day, at the best time of year for such activities in your region. Now’s the time to find new sailors and new friends. It is time that each of us invites one sailing friend to the World Snipe Day.
The International Ranking project, together with the Star Sailors League, is moving forward. I believe that this project can also be useful to raise awareness of our class in the sailing community.
Another topic I am working on together with the Board is to have professional communications during our major events. We plan to invest some of our resources in communication (professional photographer and press officer). I will keep you updated.
Finally, I would like to welcome the new Promotion Committee: Luis Soubie – ARG (chairman), Shinichi Uchida – JPN, Reino Suonsilta – FIN, Zbigniew Rakocy – POL, Fernando Celdran – ESP, Nikola Deskovic – CRO.
See you soon, on the race course!
Pietro Fantoni
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