Weather Limit and Air Temperature – Rule Change Proposal

Weather Limit and Air Temperature – Rule Change Proposal Image


The temperature has influence on the wind strength and on the sailors comfort, and because this relation is so strong the proposal is as follow.

Maximum wind speed will be related not only to “open waters” or “interior waters” but also to the temperature of the air. The max wind speed will be also altered.

In “open waters” the wind limit will be the amount in knots equal to the temperature in Celsius degrees.

For example in 15º temperature the max wind speed will be 15 knots

In 5º temperature the max wind speed will be 5 knots.

The max wind speed will be 30 knots if the temperature is 30º or more.

In “Interior waters” the rule is similar but we can sail in temperature plus 2 knots.

For example in 16º Celsius temperature the max wind speed will be 18 knots.

Max wind speed will be also 30 knots but we can sail if temperature is 28 degrees or more.



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