SnipeToday Sponsors Pool Sailing Event

SnipeToday Sponsors Pool Sailing Event Image


Tired of virtual sailing? We much prefer real sailing, so to help us all cope with this time of Coronavirus we’ve organized the first (and hopefully the last) SnipeToday Un-Pool Insider Trophy (STUPIT).

Here’s how to compete:

Put your Snipe in a pool, rig it, and do a minimum of two maneuvers (one tack and one jibe).

Send the video to SnipeToday ([email protected]).

An international panel of seven impartial judges will be assembled to score all maneuvers. The two highest and two lowest scores will be discarded, leaving three to be totaled and multiplied by the DoD (Degree of Difficulty).

The panel will score teams on:

  1. Wind conditions (strength, steady or puffy?)
  2. Size of the swimming pool
  3. Quality of maneuvers: start, execution and finish
  4. Amount of splash (less splash, higher score)
  5. Music and artistic expression

The judges may also disqualify any team for certain violations, including:

  • Hitting the edge of the pool
  • Improper language
  • Improper equipment usage
  • Improper music
  • Sinking

What are you waiting for? Register for STUPIT today!



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