Fourteen days online
It has been two weeks since our website went online and the number of visitors is encouraging. Snipe sailors seem interested in SnipeToday. But we would like to see to more participation. Fewer viewers, more actors. Meanwhile, I emphasize that all items can be voted on and comments are encouraged. Remember this site is our site, the site of all Snipe sailors! Do not be afraid to send your articles, your photos and videos. I have been asked what SnipeToday is. First of all we can say what it is not: SnipeToday does not compete with the S.C.I.R.A. official website, or with national or regional sites. The Snipe Class is composed of many countries and Snipe sailors of different ages, levels and aspirations. Between countries and between the different fleets, there are quantitative and qualitative differences, traditions and ambitions.
It has been two weeks since our website went online and the number of visitors is encouraging. Snipe sailors seem interested in SnipeToday.
But we would like to see to more participation. Fewer viewers, more actors.
Meanwhile, I emphasize that all items can be voted on and comments are encouraged.
Remember this site is our site, the site of all Snipe sailors! Do not be afraid to send your articles, your photos and videos.
I have been asked what SnipeToday is.
First of all we can say what it is not: SnipeToday does not compete with the S.C.I.R.A. official website, or with national or regional sites.
The Snipe Class is composed of many countries and Snipe sailors of different ages, levels and aspirations. Between countries and between the different fleets, there are quantitative and qualitative differences, traditions and ambitions.
In my opinion it is nice and interesting to know what is happening in other parts of the world. As it is nice and interesting to make known what is happening in our country and in our fleet.
SnipeToday wants to be the point of contact and exchange of information and ideas among all sailors who race a Snipe. This can enrich us and give us ideas for improvement.
This is the purpose of the site: to enrich and improve both sailors and the Snipe Class as a whole.
So send us your stories, comments, photos. It does not matter if you do not know the English or you only know Italian or Spanish or Japanese. We will find someone to translate your words.
So far the site has essentially been a monopoly of the United States, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Portugal … But there are many sailors in other countries who can join in. This invitation is addressed to everyone, North and South Europe, North and South America, Japan.
Even a small race or a small promotional event in a small fleet can be interesting and be a source of inspiration for another fleet in the other part of the globe. And while it is winter in the North, we like to hear about sailing in the Southern Hemisphere!
The peculiarity of our Class is that there are champions, apprentice champions, sailors who want to improve their skills, sailors who just want to have fun. The same applies to fleets. Everyone should have their voice and express their opinions or suggestions.
Please contribute, even if it’s only a comment or question. The site’s success depends on all of us, Snipe sailors!
On January 13th: 991 different visitors; 1,672 visits; 140.903 hits.
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Tobias Chronéer
You are making a very good work with the new site and already you have posted many interesting articels that I have enjoyed reding.
Please visit for information about the biggest regatta in Scandinavia for the season of 2012! Hope that many of you will be able to participate! The week before the Nordic Chapionship you can also sail the Norweigian Championship in Oslo!! So start planning for Snipesailing and vacation in Scandinavia were you can enjoy the Midnight Sun:-)
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Thank you Tobias. Sure, I visited Very nice site and useful informations about the Nordic Championship. Please, send us news from Scandinavia!
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