Brazilian Nationals – Day One
Rio de Janeiro, January 29, 2013. Two races completed. 1. Bruno Bethlem & Dante Bianchi, tot. 3 2. Paulo Santos & Thiago Sanginetto, tot. 4 3. Henrique Haddad & Rodrigo Lins, tot. 6 Photo courtesy Fred Hoffmann ... full results ...

Rio de Janeiro, January 29, 2013. Two races completed.
1. Bruno Bethlem & Dante Bianchi, tot. 3
2. Paulo Santos & Thiago Sanginetto, tot. 4
3. Henrique Haddad & Rodrigo Lins, tot. 6
… full results …
Class. | Timoneiro | Proeiro | Cat. | Barco | Clube | Num. | R1 |
R2 |
Total |
1st | Bruno Bethlem | Dante Bianchi | Geral | Old Black | ICRJ/RJ | 30997 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
2nd | Paulo Santos | Thiago Sanginetto | Master | Luanda | ICRJ/RJ | 29818 | 3 | 1 | 4 |
3rd | Henrique Haddad | Rodrigo Lins | Geral | To Sem Freio | ICRJ/RJ | 31023 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
4th | Mateus Tavares | Daniel Seixas Claro | Geral | S/Nome | YCB/BA | 31066 | 4 | 5 | 9 |
5th | Ivan Pimentel | Alexandre Muto | Geral | Bom Demais | ICRJ/RJ | 30902 | 7 | 9 | 16 |
6th | Luiz E. Adler P. Duarte | Marina Jardim | Mista | S/Nome | ICRJ/RJ | 30266 | 14 | 3 | 17 |
7th | Alexandre Tinoco | Victor Sabino | Geral | Cedrak II | CRG-CNC/RJ | 30703 | 5 | 14 | 19 |
8th | Felipe Sabino | Alex Sandro | Geral | Mad Dog | CNC/RJ | 31047 | 9 | 13 | 22 |
9th | Felipe Rondino | Matheus Steytler | Geral | Mauriçoca | ICB/DF | 30773 | 10 | 15 | 25 |
10th | Alex Juk | Piero Furlan | S/Nome | ICSC/SC | 31136 | 16 | 10 | 26 | |
11th | Diego Montautti | Alexandre Ramos | Geral | Mala | ICSC/SC | 30041 | 12 | 19 | 31 |
12th | Andre Servaes | Rodolfo Levien | Geral | Apuana | ICSC/SC | 31046 | 15 | 17 | 32 |
13th | Alexandre Paradeda | Gabreil Kieling | Geral | Quebra Tudo | CDJ/RS | 29821 | 6 | 27 | 33 |
14th | Mario V. de Jesus Jr. | Anderson Brandao | Geral | S/Nome | GVI/SP | 31126 | 21 | 16 | 37 |
15th | Felipe Linhares | Eduardo Beirão | Geral | Bronquinha | ICSC/SC | 31121 | 31 | 8 | 39 |
16th | José Vicente Monteiro | Joao Paulo da Silva | Geral | S/Nome | GVI/SP | 31110 | 17 | 24 | 41 |
17th | Yuri Reithler | Victor L. de Azevedo Silva | Geral | S/Nome | CICP/PE | 30969 | 22 | 20 | 42 |
18th | Mario Urban | Rafael Sapucaia | One Love | YCB/BA | 31091 | 33 | 12 | 45 | |
19th | Fabio Harkot | David Guadaginino | Geral | Sacatrapo | CIR | 30862 | 20 | 26 | 46 |
20th | Joao Bulhoes | Nicolas Ilg | Geral | Grapevina | ICRJ/RJ | 30566 | 23 | 23 | 46 |
21st | Frederico Rodrigues | Lucas Peter | Geral | S/Nome | ICRJ/RJ | 30671 | 26 | 21 | 47 |
22nd | Gaetan Labi | Vicente Ducati | Geral | Viúva Branca | LIL-CDJ/SC | 29689 | 30 | 18 | 48 |
23rd | Murilo Borges | Michael Frew | Master | Pearl Harbour | ICRJ/RJ | 30534 | 38 | 11 | 49 |
24th | Luiz F. Adler Caneppa | Breno V. Bianchi | Geral | Cash-Flow+ | ICRJ/RJ | 31111 | 11 | 41 | 52 |
25th | Rafael Gagliotti | Henrique Wisnicwski | Geral | ICS/ Guarda Patrimonial | ICS/SP | 31004 | 46 | 7 | 53 |
26th | Marcio J. Chebar | Rafael Rosemberg | Geral | Truckmar | CNC/RJ | 30523 | 18 | 35 | 53 |
27th | Bernardo Assis | Pedro Leão | Geral | O Proxeneta | ICRJ/RJ | 30619 | 49 | 6 | 55 |
28th | Edval Moura Jr. | Mateus Pinheiro | Fike Trankilo | CICP/SP | 31055 | 24 | 31 | 55 | |
29th | Juliana Mota | Mariane Gouveia | Fem. | Feroz | CMIC | 30767 | 27 | 28 | 55 |
30th | Yuri Torres de Souza | Rodrigo Inácio | Geral | S/Nome | ICS/SP | 30871 | 34 | 25 | 59 |
31st | Frederico Vasconcelos | Victor Martins | Geral | Kiko | CC/RJ | 30814 | 28 | 33 | 61 |
32nd | Lucas de Gusmao P. Frota | Alexandre Alvarenga | Geral | Ecco!! | CNC/RJ | 30958 | 29 | 34 | 63 |
33rd | Marco Soffiatti Grael | Douglas Gomm | Geral | Janjao | RYC/RJ | 29304 | 37 | 36 | 73 |
34th | Frederico Monteiro | Rafael Monteiro | Geral | S/Nome | CIC/PE | 30907 | 19 | 55 | 74 |
35th | Aldo Cunha | Lucas Robatto | Maracuja Periscopiano | YCB/BA | 30539 | 32 | 44 | 76 | |
36th | Daniel Platt | Davi Gnecco | Geral | S/Nome | ICSC/SC | 30827 | 45 | 32 | 77 |
37th | Ricardo de Castro Paranhos | Fellipe Areias Rodovalho | Geral | Pacote | ICB/DF | 30626 | 41 | 37 | 78 |
38th | Adriano Burgos | Christian Franzen | Geral | Lorenz | ICSC/SC | 30778 | 25 | 54 | 79 |
39th | Fernando K. Kessler | Leonardo M. Gomes | Geral | Duca III na Catega | CDJ/RS | 29254 | 59 | 22 | 81 |
40th | Graccho Harabedian | Felipe Harabedian | Geral | Rabux | ICRJ/RJ | 31005 | 44 | 39 | 83 |
41st | Gustavo Simoes F. Queiroz | Ricardo Barbosa | Geral | Al Au | YCSA/SP | 31104 | 42 | 48 | 90 |
42nd | Ricardo Vilas-Boas Resende | Arthur W. de Oliveira Souza | Geral | Luanda | ICAJU/SE | 31109 | 53 | 38 | 91 |
43rd | Daniel Dantas | Italo Silva | Geral | S/Nome | CICP/PE | 30931 | 39 | 53 | 92 |
44th | Gustavo R. Migliano | Paloma S. Migliano | Mista | Zenith | YCP/SP | 31102 | 52 | 40 | 92 |
45th | Leonardo Lombardi | Phillip Kemp | Geral | Vida Loka | CNC/ICRJ | 31118 | 43 | 49 | 92 |
46th | Guilherme Britto | Bruno Menezes | Taty | YCB/BA | 31019 | 36 | 60 | 96 | |
47th | Rafael Fontoura | Bernardo Shogo | Geral | O Pato | ICRJ/RJ | 30790 | 51 | 45 | 96 |
48th | Andre Florencio | Ricardo Jose Feitosa | Master | Nó Cego | ICRL/AL | 30853 | 35 | 64 | 99 |
49th | Victor Vocos Camargo | Fabio Horta | Geral | So lamento | ICRJ/RJ | 29885 | 8 | 92 DNF | 100 |
50th | Sandro Sartorio | Luis de Lucca | Nautica 30 nos | CNC/RJ | 30788 | 72 | 29 | 101 | |
51st | Juliana Dique | Marcus Cunha | Mista | Rata | YCB/BA | 30544 | 13 | 92 DNF | 105 |
52nd | Rodrigo Stephan de Almeida | Marcos Almeida | Geral | Los delincuentes | ICES/ES | 31101 | 57 | 51 | 108 |
53rd | Pepe D’Elia | Lucia D’Elia | Mista | S/Nome | RJ | 31127 | 56 | 52 | 108 |
54th | Admar Gonzaga | Felipe Haddad | Master | S/Nome | ICB/DF | 30695 | 48 | 61 | 109 |
55th | Flavio Castro | Roberto Freire | Geral | Ranzinza | ICRJ/RJ | 30738 | 40 | 74 | 114 |
56th | Gustavo Licks | Felipe Castro | Master | S/Nome | ICRJ/RJ | 31089 | 47 | 68 | 115 |
57th | Marcos Mascarenhas | Pedro Caldas | Geral | E ai Fera ?! | RYC/RJ | 30996 | 69 | 48 ZFP | 117 |
58th | Timothy Barr | Alan Macedo | Geral | Franco Atirador | ICRJ/RJ | 30670 | 74 | 46 | 120 |
59th | Pedro Silva | João Victor Silva | Pé de Pano | CNC/RJ | 30745 | 70 | 50 | 120 | |
60th | Cezar Augusto Castro | Bruno Ferreira | Master | Storm | ICB/DF | 30565 | 79 | 42 | 121 |
61st | Mario Eugenio B. Tavares | Julia Mayao | Mista | Suduka | CRG/RJ | 30346 | 50 | 71 | 121 |
62nd | Horácio Camargo Jr. | Karen Camargo | Mista | Shen Long | ICRJ/RJ | 30951 | 65 | 56 | 121 |
63rd | Rodrigo Haje | Bruno Falco | Geral | Barbaridad VIII | ICES/ES | 29433 | 58 | 65 | 123 |
64th | Cesar Alves | Gustavo Macedo | Master | Namarra | ICB/DF | 30751 | 64 | 59 | 123 |
65th | Luiz Paulo A. Gonçalves | Rafael Chalhub | Geral | Vovô | CC/RJ | 30533 | 61 | 62 | 123 |
66th | Carlos Felipe Hermith | Fernanda Righi | Mista | S/Nome | VDS/RS | 27660 | 62 | 63 | 125 |
67th | Ronaldo Soares de Moura | Gastão Soares de Moura | Geral | Van Ducth | CC/RJ | 30993 | 55 | 75 | 130 |
68th | Alexandre Asmus | Tales Asmus | Master | Zero-Cinco/STCGZO | CRG/RJ | 30961 | 67 | 66 | 133 |
69th | Jose Roberto de Jesus | Wilian Gomes Moura | Geral | Phoguete | GVI/SP | 28632 | 92 DSQ | 43 | 135 |
70th | Matheus Franco | Felipe Bhering | Geral | Papa-Leguas | RYC/RJ | 31119 | 54 | 81 | 135 |
71st | Pedro Pires de Lima | Rodrigo Claessen | Master | Sudoeste Ronstan | CVA-ICRJ/RJ | 28767 | 60 | 77 | 137 |
72nd | Pedro Figueiredo | Mateus Figueiredo | Geral | Chopp de Roupão | ICRJ/RJ | 30836 | 68 | 70 | 138 |
73rd | Carlos Praça | Marco Flavio | Master | Paqueta | ICRJ/RJ | 30633 | 92 DNF | 47 | 139 |
74th | Leticia Martinelli | Bruno Martinelli | Mista | S/Nome | ICES/ES | 30062 | 82 | 57 | 139 |
75th | Lucio das Neves Macedo | Pedro Andrade | Geral | Acará | ICB/DF | 30446 | 81 | 58 | 139 |
76th | Caio Sena | Bruno Sena | Geral | Tomahawk | GVI/SP | 28649 | 63 | 76 | 139 |
77th | Bruno Egger | Rodrigo Alvim | Geral | S/Nome | CNC/RJ | 30656 | 71 | 69 | 140 |
78th | Avelar Loureiro Neto | Victoria Castro | Geral | CIC/PE | CIC/PE | 31073 | 66 | 80 | 146 |
79th | Carlos Ubirata | Eduardo Sampaio | Master | Ben-te-vi | ICAJU/SE | 31017 | 78 | 72 | 150 |
80th | Affonso Abreu | Sylvio Abreu | Master | Tau | ICRJ/RJ | 29948 | 77 | 73 | 150 |
81st | Erick Abreu | Guilherme Freitas | Geral | Marfan Seguros | CNC/RJ | 31075 | 84 | 67 | 151 |
82nd | Jose Paulo de Araujo | Jorge Cesar Guedes | Master | Vento | BVC/RJ | 30662 | 80 | 79 | 159 |
83rd | Victor R. Demaison | Eduardo Papier | Master | Sai de Perto | ICRJ/RJ | 13906 | 73 | 92 DNF | 165 |
84th | Thiago Luiz de Santana | Lais Corbal | Mista | Wimbi | NSPPG/SP | 27536 | 83 | 82 | 165 |
85th | Vanir T. Junior | Fabricio Ourique | Geral | S/Nome | ICVL/SC | 30661 | 75 | 92 ZFP | 167 |
86th | Frederico Ribeiro | Adelson Pandine | Master | Tobiou | ICRJ/RJ | 30908 | 76 | 92 DNF | 168 |
87th | Helio Schechtman | Marcelo Benchimol | Master | Dermoclinic | ICRJ/RJ | 26915 | 85 | 92 DNF | 177 |
88th | Thiago Santana | Lia Corbal | Mista | Wimbi | NSPPG/SP | 27356 | 92 DNC | 92 DNC | 184 |
88th | Christian Shaw | Jeffrem Shaw | Master | S/Nome | ICB/DF | 29874 | 92 DNC | 92 DNC | 184 |
88th | Gabriela Kidd | Ricardo Carvalho | Mista | Kidd | ICRJ/RJ | 30767 | 92 DNC | 92 DNC | 184 |
88th | Mariana Peccicacco | Tatiana Ribeiro | Fem. | Na Moral | M.Brasil | 92 DNC | 92 DNC | 184 |
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