Noerrebro Bryghus Snipe Cup – Open Danish Nationals
Espergaerde, June 3-5, 2017 For the 49th time Espergaerde sailing club is inviting all snipe sailors to compete in the traditional pentecost regatta. The 2017 regatta will be sponsored by Noerrebro Bryghus, one of Denmark's most famous microbreweries. Since 2003, the Copenhagen based brewery has been a guiding star in Danish beer culture. Brewer Emil Rosendahl Jensen brews beer with inspiration from Belgian, German, English and namely American tradition. In 1969, the first pentecost regatta was held in Espergaerde succeeding a similar regatta on the opposite side of the sound in Sweden. It was sponsored by the local brewery Wiibroe, and until 2009, Wiibroe Cup was known for great sailing and greater parties. After the 42nd Wiibroe Cup, Wiibroe withdrew its support and gave place to another famous Danish brewery, Harboe. From 2010 to 2016, Harboe Snipe Cup was the place to be, sailors kept showing up, and the beer kept flowing. We are very grateful for the support Espergaerde has received from our sponsors throughout time. We are now thrilled to invite Noerrebro Bryghus onboard, and we can testify that the beer is, indeed, great tasting! ...

Espergaerde, June 3-5, 2017
For the 49th time Espergaerde sailing club is inviting all snipe sailors to compete in the traditional pentecost regatta.
The 2017 regatta will be sponsored by Noerrebro Bryghus, one of Denmark’s most famous microbreweries. Since 2003, the Copenhagen based brewery has been a guiding star in Danish beer culture. Brewer Emil Rosendahl Jensen brews beer with inspiration from Belgian, German, English and namely American tradition.
In 1969, the first pentecost regatta was held in Espergaerde succeeding a similar regatta on the opposite side of the sound in Sweden. It was sponsored by the local brewery Wiibroe, and until 2009, Wiibroe Cup was known for great sailing and greater parties. After the 42nd Wiibroe Cup, Wiibroe withdrew its support and gave place to another famous Danish brewery, Harboe. From 2010 to 2016, Harboe Snipe Cup was the place to be, sailors kept showing up, and the beer kept flowing. We are very grateful for the support Espergaerde has received from our sponsors throughout time. We are now thrilled to invite Noerrebro Bryghus onboard, and we can testify that the beer is, indeed, great tasting!
However, the beer wouldn’t mean anything if it wasn’t for the sailors drinking it! For years, the re-gatta has been one of the biggest in Northern Europe, and many great sailors have competed on the challenging waters outside Espergaerde.
We hope to see as many sailors as possible in 2017 for a great 49th Noerrebro Bryghus Snipe Cup. We are looking forward to even more Serious Sailing and Serious Fun! Also, don’t forget to mark your calendar for the 50th jubilee regatta in 2018!
See you in Espergaerde June 3rd to 5th 2017
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