German Open

Caldonazzo, May 20-22, 2016 German Open - Middle European Cup - Caldonazzo Challenge Notice of Race available By Herbert Horterich 15th German Open 2016 From 20 to 22 May 2016 will be sailed the 15th edition of the German Open. This is a unique event because of the strong cooperation between the Snipe Class of two nations – that means SCIRA Germany and an Italian sailing club, the Associazione Velica Trentina on the Lake of Caldonazzo in Trentino, northern Italy. ...

German Open Image

Caldonazzo, May 20-22, 2016

German Open – Middle European Cup – Caldonazzo Challenge

Notice of Race available

By Herbert Horterich

15th German Open 2016

From 20 to 22 May 2016 will be sailed the 15th edition of the German Open.

This is a unique event because of the strong cooperation between the Snipe Class of two nations – that means SCIRA Germany and an Italian sailing club, the Associazione Velica Trentina on the Lake of Caldonazzo in Trentino, northern Italy.

This efficient cooperation – across national borders – begun in 2002 and has permitted the organization of the Snipe Class German Championship in Trentino; an event grown up positively thanks to the participation of competitors coming not only from Germany (of course), but also from Poland, Belgium, sometimes from Brazil and Croatia and the large, qualified and continuous participation of the Italian sailors.
What above allowed this sailing event to become one of the most participated regattas in Italy, sometimes with more entries than the Italian National Championship, so that the German Open is considered – also by SCIRA Italy – one of the most important Italian Snipe events.

The entry fee for the three days of regatta can be surely considered cheap, especially considering the 2 “spaghetti meals”, the 2 suppers, the Friday brunch with german specialties and the Saturday evening super dinner, with the traditional roasted pig cooked during Saturday directly on the field between the Club House and the lake. Furthermore any entrant will receive different gadgets any year and the prizegiving is really rich.

Those accompanying the participants will have at their disposal, for the whole regatta, the club bar and restaurant, the large grass filed in front of the Snipe harbor and the terrace at the second floor of the Club House for viewing the regattas.

The organization of such a big event engages a lot of volunteer members of the Associazione Velica Trentina sailing club and takes advantage by a large number of sponsors (Cantina d’Isera – wines; Stuffer – yoghurt and desserts; La Trentina – apple fruits; distillery Saracini dell’Elmo – grappa). During the 2015 edition the nearby restaurants/Hotels offered: live music on Friday (Hotel Mezzolago) and a large cocktail (Hotel Valcanover).

This total cooperation shows that the activity of the Associazione Velica Trentina – the German Open is the most important event organized during the year – is widely supported and is very important for the local economy.

The wind on Lake Caldonazzo is moderate, generally 8-12 knots from SSE in the afternoon with no current or waves which allows excellent regatta conditions.

We all wait for you to joining the 15th German Open in May 2016!


Notice of Race
Bando di Regata
Entry Form – Modulo di Iscrizione



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