Worlds D.o.G. #2 – Rule Change Proposal
Rules Change - Submitted Proposals Please leave a comment or send us an email to [email protected] ...

Rules Change – Submitted Proposals
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From[1]: SCIRA Italy
Email: [email protected]
Summary: World Championship Open Proposal
X Constitution By-Laws Class Rules
X Deed of Gift Rules of Conduct X NoR or SI Template
X Other
Objective: Yearly Open World Championship inclusive of all World Championship categories
Deed of Gift: Commodore Hub E. Isaacks Trophy
Emblematic of: World Championship of SCIRA. Held each year every two years in the odd numbered years.
Donated by: Dr. Hub E. Isaacs, first Commodore of SCIRA.
Ownedby: SCIRA Awarded to: The fleet of the winning skipper.
Open to:
1. Skipper and crew must be SCIRA members in good standing with their fleet, country, and the Association, and sailing a Snipe registered to SCIRA for the current year. In case of chartered or loaned boat the skipper may use the sail number of his/her own boat and both boats shall be registered to SCIRA for the current year.
2. All skippers must be citizens, or bonafide residents for at least one year, of the country they represent and each must present credentials signed by his National Secretary attesting that he is the entrant.
3.The same World Championship shall include any other World Championship existing category as Master, Women, Junior. All the specification for those categories shall be maintained (as wind speed limit, age sub-categories, etc.). All the participants shall race together in the same races,through the same formula. To comply with specific category rules (number of daily races, wind speed limit), each category shall have its own “racing signal” exposed on Race Boat Committee when racing.
3.Maximum number of entries to the World Championship will be set up each year for the year after from the Board of Governors at the BoG meeting hosted during the World Championship, on the basis of the entries at the on going World Championship.
4. Unless otherwise arranged by the BoG, the Max. number of entries at World Championship will be set in 150 boats maximum and not less than the number of entries at the last sailed World Championship +20%.
5. Whatever the number of entries, the maximum number of entries from the hosting Country shall be not bigger than 20% of total eligible entries for the specific World Champion Edition.
The following formula shall be used. Registered Boats means number of properly registered boat owners submitted to the SCIRA office by each National Secretary on the dues paid members for that year. Information must include: name, address, fleet number and hull number to which the member has paid dues upon. Average Number of Registered
Regatta Conditions: 1.
have not registered their maximum number eligible entries, and the number of registered entrants has not reached 80 teams, those unassigned entry slots will be re-allocated to a pool of qualified entrants, as provided below. The unassigned entry slots are defined as the difference of valid entrants at the close of the initial registration period from the maximum number of 80 teams.
- a.The initial registration period starts six months prior to the start of the Championship or upon posting of the NOR. This registration period ends a minimum of three months prior to the official start of the Championship.
b.SCIRA and the organizing authority shall post to the Official Regatta Website, or via equivalent means, the number of additional entries available to the regatta and the assigned pro-ration of these additional entry slots to those countries which have registered entries and fulfilled its allotment during the initial registration period. The allocation will be communicated within one week of the conclusion of the initial registration period.
- c.Reallocated entrants will not count against, nor limit, the initial per country allocation.
2. The number of entries available for reallocation will be the difference between the fleet limit of 80
and the number of entrants registered during the initial registration period.
- a.Those countries which are eligible for additional entries will then have from the time of the posting until eight weeks prior to the Official start of the Championship to register additional entries.
b.Any unfilled reallocation entry not registered eight weeks prior to the regatta shall lose that entry which will then be made available on a “first come” basis only from received valid registration.
- c.A valid entry is an entry with full registration fees paid and the entry signed and approved by their National Secretary.
“Rules for Conducting National and International Regattas” are specific instructions furnished by the International Rules Committee and approved by the SCIRA Board of Governors. These instructions must be followed in all respects.
Additional Entries: World Champion European Champion Western Hemisphere & Orient Champion Women’s World Champion
First and second place in the Junior World Championship will qualify for the senior worlds in a
succeeding year. Any former Isaacs World Champion skipper has an automatic entry to the championship that is not
Boats for the past 2 years
1-5 6-15 16-30 31-50 51-100 101-200 201-300 300+
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
included in their home country’s quota. One additional skipper from the host country, providing that it does not have among its other
6. representatives the Junior or Senior World, European or Western Hemisphere & Orient Champion
7. One additional skipper from the host fleet. In the event that the total entrants do not meet a total of 80 boats: 1. If 3 months prior to the official start of the Championship, countries in good standing with SCIRA
6. Maximum number of races shall be 12, Nine or eleven races, depending on local conditions, of the official SCIRA courses published in the current Rulebook or SCIRA official web site ( Races shall be managed to last approximately 60-75 minutes. A different time used to complete the race will not be grounds for protest.
7. the registered team shall races first two days split in batteries.
8. Size of each Batteries shall be the same (or close as possible) considering the total number of entries. Each Battery shall includes maximum 80 teams anyway
9. Operative rules about the operative managing of the batteries (mixing Batteries after Day 1, exchange of racing course, etc.) shall be set from the Hosting Club with the SCIRARepresentative.
10. Final ranking from the Batteries shall be valid with any numbers of races sailed.
11. On the basis of final Ranking from the Batteries, the teams shall be divided in “Fleet”: Gold, Silver, Bronze, etc. and any team shall start with no points from the Batteries.
12. The size of each Fleet shall be the same (or close as possible). Each Fleet shall includes maximum 80 teams anyway
13. The Final Ranking of the Fleets after 2 days of races (maximum 6 races) shall be valid with at least three races.
The fastest schedule approved is as follows:
First, second, and third days – 3 races.
Fourth day – 2 races
Fifth day – 0 races
- 3.If six or seven races are completed, the worst race shall be dropped, including a disqualification, If nine to eleven races are completed, the two worst races shall be dropped, including a disqualification. If five or fewer races are completed, all shall be counted
- 4.3 races constitute a regatta.
Deed of Gift: Id Crook Memorial World Masters Championship
Emblematic of:World Masters Championship of SCIRA held during the Snipe World Championship held on alternate years to the World Snipe Championship
3. Boats, to be eligible to race in this Class, must be built to conform in every way to these measurement rules. A boat that does not meet all these requirements shall be ineligible to receive a Certificate of Measurement, but it retains its identifying
Snipe Class General Restrictions 2017 – Amended December 2016 effective January 2017
number. Such boats cannot take part in any open or closed regattas whatsoever. The measurer must notify the Executive Director of any boats that cannot pass these requirements, giving the boat number, and the name and address of both the builder and owner.
Section 23.3 Board Meetings: Bi-annual meetings shall be held in conjunction with the absolute World Championship to facilitate attendance.
[*For Championship Regattas requiring qualification:*]
3.3 All entrants shall be approved by the National Secretary affiliated with the skipper.
[*For major International Championship Regattas that require qualification: *]
- To attract new sailors on the Snipe, inverting the current trend
- To have more cost effective events through scale-economies
- To have more and more constant visibility on international media and attract sponsors and resources for Class promotion
- To avoid Snipe Class extinction due to the competition of better promoted, more visible and attractive Classes and you now: Modern Age.
[1]Proposals can be made by the Board, Technical Committee, National Secretaries or 5 fleet captains up to 1st March.
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