Rule Change Proposal: 24-10 Deed of Gift – Youth

Rule Change Proposal: 24-10 Deed of Gift – Youth Image

According to the Decision Making Process,

  • Rules changes can be submitted up to 1st March.
  • All proposals will be published on the website.
  • The period from March to June will be used for public discussion and also for the Rules Committee recommendations.
  • The Board will vote all submission on July.
  • The approved changes will be sent to World Sailing (August) for final approval (November).

Discussion Forum here on SnipeToday (you can leave comments)



Pietro Fantoni
03/08/2024 -

I understand the reasons behind this proposal, but I would like to make some useful comments for the discussion of such an important topic for our class.
I see that the proposal only concerns the Deed of Gift of the Junior Europeans and not that of the Junior Worlds. But, in general, even if I were in favor of this proposal, I believe that there must be uniformity on the age of the Junior or Youth Championships throughout the world and for all Junior events.
In particular on this proposal, I am convinced that every scholar of youth development, every teacher and coach considers that the physical and mental evolution of a 29 year old adult is totally different from that of a 21 year old kid and, even more so, than that of a 16-year-old. There is already a notable difference in maturity between a 16-year-old and a 21-year-old, let alone between a 16-year-old and a 29-year-old adult! Do we want to have teenagers compete in the same regatta together with sportsmen and sportwomen at the peak of their physical strength and mental maturity? Even awarding separate trophies doesn't make much sense if under 22s and under 30s are racing on the same race course.
If we only think about the (hopefully large) participation of young adults in the regattas, it perhaps makes more sense to establish a special prize (under 30) in the Open European Championship.
As regards the Junior Nationals in the different SCIRA countries, I agree that, in order to have a sufficient number of teams and to reduce the impact of the fixed costs of a regatta, a solution is to establish Junior and Under 30 National Champonships, with separate general standings and prizes (as already happens in many countries).
Ultimately, the success of a Junior or Youth Event depends, as has been seen recently in Miami, on the great work that must be done by the local fleet, the club and the individual local sailors: find potential interested parties, with the help of " Key People "in every SCIRA Countries, personally inviting Team Juniors, facilitate logistical aspects, identify charter boats, provide or suggest accommodation at affordable prices (in many cases in Europe a campsite can be the solution), help and assist, during the event, young sailors. Being assigned a junior event does not mean having participant automatically. It is necessary to be pro-active.
... more or less is the same activity that the Antwerp fleet carried out on the occasion of two editions of the SWEC (which before then was an event that seemed deceased) ...

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Ricardo Lobato
03/12/2024 -

It appears that this proposal might inadvertently discourage young sailors from participating in the class. Instead of merely rearranging the current age bands to reflect the current class reality, let’s proactively explore ways to attract and involve young sailors. I believe that setting a higher age band for youth sailors might create the perception that our class is primarily for older individuals.

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Antonio Bari
03/15/2024 -

This seems to be a good idea to increase participation and make the European Championship a sustainable event. Two different trophies is a practicable proposal. Under 30 sailors are still young sailors fort the Snipe. We still consider juniors those U22, while several classes establish juniors at U25 or U30. As for age limits, I believe that Proposal 2 is the best. This proposal is a revision of a DoG, supported by the owner, so it cannot affect any other Junior Championship which should be amended according to its own rules.
I would add to Entry and Eligibility the following sentence:
Junior members of SCIRA (U22)
Youth members of SCIRA (U30)
If the proposal is approved, I would also suggest to amend the Constitution, Section 15, adding the new membership.
I don’t believe that awarding a U30 trophy at the Worlds is a practicable solution. The entry quotas limit the participation of the U30, while the proposal looks toward increasing the participation of all young adults to international events.

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Gweneth Crook
03/16/2024 -

I think what is interesting about this proposal is the fact that there are 6 European countries that support it. I believe that says it may work for Europe. The other thing to consider is that it could be a youth skipper with a junior sailor or vice versa. There has been great success in other countries with junior participation. In some cases, due to university sailing in others, the number of boats available to loan to juniors so they can try. Every country is different.

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José Pérez Morales
03/17/2024 -

Las razones de Katia son poderosas y estudiadas profundamente.
Creo que esta propuesta podría aprobarse modificando el DoG respetándolo en todos sus términos y creando una división para las tripulaciones menores de 30 años que ya no son juveniles, que obtendrían premios distintos a los ahora establecidos parta los juveniles.
Por diferentes razones cada día es más difícil organizar con éxito los eventos juveniles nacionales, europeos y mundiales y desde luego casi siempre con pobre participación, esta propuesta potenciaría la participación en los citados eventos sin menoscabo para los juveniles que seguirían siéndolo navegando junto a los mejores snipistas.
No creo viable ni necesario establecer una categoría sub 30 en los europeos ni mundiales absolutos ya que ambos funcionan muy bien.
A Ricardo le preocupa que nos consideren una clase para regatistas mayores, yo creo que lo que no podemos pretender es que se nos considere una Clase para jóvenes... yo creo que una de las virtudes de nuestra Clase es la convivencia de jóvenes y "menos jóvenes" tanto en competición como en tierra.

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Ricardo Lobato
03/24/2024 -

ILCA class has just reduced its master category for just 30 years old...

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Nick Pellicano Grael
04/04/2024 -

My opinion is that a combined age sum would be a good way. I am not sure if a capped team age of 45 or 50 - with a skipper at least under-30. A sub division with both under-21 sailors could still exist.

This change could extend itself not only for the Europeans, but for all Junior regattas. This would certainly give a boost on all junior events.

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