Membership and SCIRA Rules
Not only is a sailing Class strong when a lot of wonderful regattas are organized all over the world, but also if it has a large membership. Statistics say that the Snipe is still one of the largest one design classes in the world, where the word "large" means boats, regattas, organization, strong rules and membership.

by Antonio Bari – Rules Committee Chairman
Not only is a sailing Class strong when a lot of wonderful regattas are organized all over the world, but also if it has a large membership. Statistics say that the Snipe is still one of the largest one design classes in the world, where the word “large” means boats, regattas, organization, strong rules and membership. I put “membership” at the end because it’s the membership that holds it all together.
But, here my role of RC Chairman comes out, membership is also required by our rules, specifically Section 14 of the By Laws:
Section 14. Snipe Events Snipe events are divided into:
- Club or Fleet regattas
- Sanctioned regattas
- Major Championships
A Club or Fleet regatta is a local regatta attended by the members of a single fleet or Yacht Club. Those regattas may be run using the Rules for Conducting non-Championship regattas and may not have a PRO present.
Yes. You can run a Club or Fleet regatta without a PRO, maybe using the rabbit start, rounding the marks to starboard doing only 3 legs. Or there could be a newcomer who’s trying the Snipe for the first time. Well, go ahead and let him/her try. Don’t ask him/her for a membership
card. If he/she likes the class, the friendship and the competition, ask him/her to become a member. This will make the class stronger.
A Sanctioned regatta is a regatta that is listed in each Nation’s calendar. Annually each National Secretary presents the list of regattas to be sanctioned to the SCIRA office. Any regatta qualifying for a subsequent Major Championship must be a sanctioned regatta.
Recognition of a sanctioned regatta means that at least:
- All competitors are current members of SCIRA (both skipper and crew)
- The boat is properly registered with SCIRA for the year with a decal displayed on the hull
- The boat has a current MDS on file
- A PRO is present
Wanna organize or sail a regatta in which many Fleets/Yacht Clubs or Nations will compete? Well, then you must follow rules 1-4. Send the dates to your National Secretary to ensure the regatta will be included in the nation’s list of events, which will maximize the number of competitors. Membership is required to enter any regatta of this kind. This will make the class stronger too.
A Major Championship is a regatta with a World or area title, or a regional game such as the PanAms. To be recognized as a Major Championship the regatta must comply with the requirements of the Sanctioned regattas, the Rules for Conducting national and International Championships, the applicable Deed of Gift and the World Sailing regulations, if any.
A higher level of competition requires us to comply with a wider range of rules, including measurements, procedures, almost all World Sailing and RRS rules… and, of course, membership.
Antonio Bari
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