SnipeToday 2016 Photos

2016 Snipe regattas around the world.

No soundtrack, so we suggest you to choose and listen your favourite music and enjoy the 39′ video.

Thanks to: SCIRA Peru, Mauricio Cunha, Matias Capizzano, SCIRA UK, Club Nautico Ibiza, Blake Middleton, Elizabeth Balbin Bransgrove, Camilla Baptistin, Artur Moreira Rodriguez, RCN Vigo, Judy Tillson, A. Lucchi, SCIRA Portugal, SCIRA Spain, Fred Hoffmann, RCM, Deb Fewell, YCPA, LYC, SCIRA Japan, Liga de Vela Bolivar, SCIRA Sweden, SCIRA Poland, Flota 290, AVT, Rodrigo M. Rato, SCIRA Finland, Ted Morgan, SCM, Roberto Baroncini, Jill Bennett, SCIRA France, SCIRA Brazil, SCIRA Cuba, Club Naval Cascais, Analia Fernandez, Dale Benham, SCIRA Canada, Guille Gut, SCIRA Italy, Flota Snipe RCAR, Alex Pline, Jorge Esteban Cousillas, CNC, SCIRA Belgium, Jan Mellis, Giuseppe Amato, SCIRA USA, Joanna Prestwich, RCRSR, Jangadeiros, Neuza Aires Pereira, Elena Giolai, Es Nautic, Snipe Sao Paulo, Junichi Hirai, Primi Murgui, Paolo Cardoni

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