Bruno Bethlem, 2009 World Champion

[caption id="attachment_4711" align="alignnone" width=""]Bruno Bethlem[/caption]This interview was originally pubished on and Snipe Bulletin. How did you prepare for the Worlds? Did you train a lot and where? Wich type of preparation did you do? Did you train (or test sails) specficially for the light wind conditions expected in San Diego? Did you sail and train with other brazilian teams? We didn't train too much this year for the worlds. My free time doesn't match with Dante's free time. So our aim was to develop the sails and go to the main regattas. We were expecting lighter winds. But we were not worry about that. We've lost almost 15kg togheter. I think that it was our biggest effort. We have many Snipe sailors in my club that are all the time in the water. But I don't have enough free time to sail with them. I mostly meet them in the water during the main ragattas.

Bruno Bethlem, 2009 World Champion Image
Bruno Bethlem

This interview was originally pubished on and Snipe Bulletin.

How did you prepare for the Worlds? Did you train a lot and where? Wich type of preparation did you do? Did you train (or test sails) specficially for the light wind conditions expected in San Diego? Did you sail and train with other brazilian teams?

We didn’t train too much this year for the worlds. My free time doesn’t match with Dante’s free time. So our aim was to develop the sails and go to the main regattas. We were expecting lighter winds. But we were not worry about that. We’ve lost almost 15kg togheter. I think that it was our biggest effort. We have many Snipe sailors in my club that are all the time in the water. But I don’t have enough free time to sail with them. I mostly meet them in the water during the main ragattas.

How many years have you sail the Snipe? How long have you sail with Dante? Did you sail with Dante or also with other crew? What do you think about Dante?

I have been sailing snipe since 1996 and that was my 4th worlds. Dante is sailing with me since 2000 altough we have given up for a couple of years (2003-2005). Most of the time Dante is with me. When he can not be there with me I call another friend to replace him. Dante is awsome. He is not only my crew. We are big friends and everything seems to be good when he is around.

Did you sail only Snipe or also others boats? Do you think that sailing with other type of boats helps you or is not helpful?

I used to sail 470 and 49er but I’ve given up. The Olimpyc campaign is too expensive. But I still sail big keel boat in Brazil. I think that the most important thing is to keep sailing no matter the boat you are and plan the scheadule for the most important events.

Do you have a coach and did youy have a coach or a local expert in San Diego?

I’ve never had a coach in Snipe. Maybe once or twice during some championships. And we didn’t have a coach in San Diego. Everything was by ourself.

Did you use in San Diego a Persson/Db Marine built by Enrico Michel? Can you tell us something about this snipe?
You sail with Zaoli Sails. Did you develop new sails for the Worlds? How is your feedback with Zaoli?

The boat was perfect. Stiff, beautifull, well done and really fast (the most important). I have no complains about the boat. Everything was working nicely. Our job in Zaoli was very good. I think we reached all the targets. The Zaoli team is impressive and we we’ve developed very fast sails togheter.

Tuning or boathandling? Which is more important?

I think that both are important. These factors work togheter.

“Secret numbers”?

My set up is a cake recipe. And in San Diego was not different. The numbers are just references. It is very important to play with them. You can not be neurotic about it.
Rake: 6,53-6,55m.
Tension: 19-21 (3mm stay).
Spreaders: 42,5cm / 74cm
Mast step: 59″-60″.

Which was the most important factor for the victory of the Worlds?

These were three. Speed, tranquility and patience.

Do you have a person to whom dedicated your victory at the Worlds?

Yes I do. To Dante.

This year you were in Cervia for Piada (and you won). What do you think about Snipe Class in Italy? How is it similar and how is it different from the Snipe Class in Brasil?

I think that the Class in Italy is very strong. I think that the biggest difference is that we have younger crews here because we don’t have to many options like in Europe (470, 49er, 29er, etc).

Your program for the future (Snipe, sailing in general … your life …)?

I will keep sailing Snipe for the rest of my life and we want to defend the title in Denmark. But I would like to start sailing Star Class. It should be my plan for the future on sailing.

Thank you so much … and I hope to see you soon in Italy!!!

You are always welcome! I hope to be in Cervia next year sailing and having fun with all of you.



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