14 Questions to … Henry Filter

Henry Filter, Snipe sailor from Annapolis - 1) Your first time on a sailing boat? Age 5 sailing with my parents on an O'Day tempest 23. We sailed on the Hudson River and then all the way to Block Island and Nantucket. In the beginning, my parents were very young and had no idea what they were doing, but they got better and we had fun. - 2) Your first time on a Snipe? I bought a new Snipe in 1984 right after graduating from college and did my first Nationals in 1985. I was very fast in heavy air and very slow in light air! - 3) The most bizarre thing that happened in a regatta? At the 2012 Nationals in Miami, my son and I were practicing and got caught in a thunderstorm. It actually hailed the size of large peas. We had to drop our sails and wait it out on a small island right outside of Coral Reef. My son promised not to tell mom till after the regatta.

14 Questions to … Henry Filter Image

Henry Filter, Snipe sailor from Annapolis

– 1) Your first time on a sailing boat?

Age 5 sailing with my parents on an O’Day tempest 23. We sailed on the Hudson River and then all the way to Block Island and Nantucket. In the beginning, my parents were very young and had no idea what they were doing, but they got better and we had fun.

– 2) Your first time on a Snipe?

I bought a new Snipe in 1984 right after graduating from college and did my first Nationals in 1985. I was very fast in heavy air and very slow in light air!

– 3) The most bizarre thing that happened in a regatta?

At the 2012 Nationals in Miami, my son and I were practicing and got caught in a thunderstorm. It actually hailed the size of large peas. We had to drop our sails and wait it out on a small island right outside of Coral Reef. My son promised not to tell mom till after the regatta.

– 4) What is the thing that most angers you in a race/regatta?

When parents yell at their kids during a race.

– 5) Which is the race/regatta that you remember with the most pleasure?

The 2006 Special Junior Nationals in Erie PA. I crewed for my 8 year old son and we finished 3rd. We came back to the same venue 3 years later where he crewed for me in the North Americans, finished 3rd and qualified for the Westerns together.

– 6) And the race/regatta you would like to forget?

Not a Snipe regatta, but the US Laser Olympic trials in 1996. I finished 4th in the first race after being first to the weather mark. It was all downhill after that!

– 7) Your “dream in the peak”? (Your sailing dream?)

As a kid, it was to compete in the Olympics. Competing in the Snipe in the 1999 and 2003 Pan Am games was as close as I would ever come, but still very rewarding.

– 8) Sailing goals for 2014, and beyond?

My goals are much simpler now and involve sailing with my son and daughter. Short term, I would like to help my son qualify for the 2015 Snipe Junior Worlds and also have him crew for me at the 2015 Worlds. It would be a great family experience!

– 9) The most important people for you in sailing and in the Snipe?

Ed Adams was a huge influence in my early Laser and Snipe days. Today, it’s all the people that I know through sailing and particularly the Snipe class that are important to me.

– 10) Why the Snipe?

The Snipe has taught me a lot about sail shape, rig tension and steering. All of which are applicable to other boats.

– 11) Your perfect sailing venue and your perfect sailing conditions?

20 years ago, I loved the big breeze venues. Now that I can’t hike like I used to, 8-12 is usually just fine. I do love going fast downwind in big breeze, but who doesn’t?

– 12) Besides sailing which other sport do you practice?

With family, work and sailing, there is not much time for anything else. I race other boats, but the Snipe is my favorite.

– 13) Are you superstitious?

Only when it comes to racing!

– 14) Your perfect holiday?

Bareboat chartering with the family in the BVIs, which we will be doing in late February.




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