14 Questions to … Gonzalo “Old Man” Diaz

"Attention, Snipe Sailors!" Gonzalo "Old Man" Diaz, THE SNIPE SAILOR, from Havana to Miami, 68 years of sailing Snipes! - 1) Your first time on a sailing boat? In 1943 I was sailing our Club sailboats but I noticed the snipes coming back from racing with the Caribbean trade Winds. They were beautiful coming into our Club little harbor. They were fast! I got in love with the snipe right away!! I was forever hooked! - 2) Your first time on a Snipe? In 1945 I was finally able to crew for one of our Club best sailors. I was 15 years old and after that my father bought me my first snipe on August 1945. She was # 3686. So, in August 2015 I will be sailing snipes for 70 years! I only missed 3 years, in 1961, 62 and 63 when I stopped sailing because the Cuban communists had confiscated all my friends snipes (friends that have left Cuba) and I did not feel comfortable sailing against my friends snipes crewed by people I did not know. In 1964 I had arrived to United States and sailed the Halloween Regatta that year and never stopped again.

14 Questions to … Gonzalo “Old Man” Diaz Image

“Attention, Snipe Sailors!”

Gonzalo “Old Man” Diaz, THE SNIPE SAILOR, from Havana to Miami, 68 years of sailing Snipes!

– 1) Your first time on a sailing boat?

In 1943 I was sailing our Club sailboats but I noticed the snipes coming back from racing with the Caribbean trade Winds. They were beautiful coming into our Club little harbor. They were fast! I got in love with the snipe right away!! I was forever hooked!

– 2) Your first time on a Snipe?

In 1945 I was finally able to crew for one of our Club best sailors. I was 15 years old and after that my father bought me my first snipe on August 1945. She was # 3686. So, in August 2015 I will be sailing snipes for 70 years! I only missed 3 years, in 1961, 62 and 63 when I stopped sailing because the Cuban communists had confiscated all my friends snipes (friends that have left Cuba) and I did not feel comfortable sailing against my friends snipes crewed by people I did not know. In 1964 I had arrived to United States and sailed the Halloween Regatta that year and never stopped again.

phoca thumb l Francis Seavay Augie Diaz GonzoTom Nute– 3) The most bizarre thing that happened in a regatta?

I have so many but I don’t remember well. In One Don Q in the 70’s a whole bunch of snipes sailed too far away and did not hear the horn and missed the first start for a few minutes, that is when I decided to start using the shotgun at least for the warning signal. We may also shoot for the start and the individual or general recall.

– 4) What is the thing that most angers you in a race/regatta?

Nothing that I can remember!

– 5) Which is the race/regatta that you remember with the most pleasure?

1952 Midwinters in Clearwater when I placed 5th right behind a bunch of great sailors, like Ted Wells, Francis Seavy, Owen Duffy and Ray Kaufman.

– 6) And the race/regatta you would like to forget?

1959 Worlds in Puerto Alegre, Brazil, when I was approaching the weather mark in first place in the last race, my competition Paul Elvstrom was in the tank (he had already used his throwout race) and I had a chance to win the Worlds, but the wind died and the race was cancelled.


– 7) Your “dream in the peak”? (Your sailing dream?)

Reach 2015 sailing Snipes! Then I will be 70 years sailing the Snipe!

– 8) Sailing goals for 2013, and beyond?

Sailing in every possible snipe race! But, at my old age, I am trying to be more cautious.

2009SnipeNatls 20090621 0068 ZF-9723-90472-1-002– 9) The most important people for you in sailing and in the Snipe?

That is a very difficult question. I can think on all the crews that I have had, my brother Saul with whom I got 2nd in the 1959 Worlds, my sons Gonzo and Augie and so many other people that have helped me with the Rasco, the Don Q and the Florida State Juniors. Jim Weber who was the finest Race Committee Chairman and advisor I had for the Snipe Regattas at our Coconut Grove Sailing Club. Brainard Cooper that for years and years have been a great friend and advisor for snipe racing matters and rules and others that I would like to mention but would make a never ending list.

– 10) Why the Snipe?

Because I fell in love with the boat and that love has never died! The boat is now prettier and more comfortable than it was 70 years ago.

– 11) Your perfect sailing venue and your perfect sailing conditions?

OOpps!! that is an easy question: South Easterly winds 10 to 15 in Biscayne Bay

– 12) Besides sailing which other sport do you practice?

Sorry, NONE!

– 13) Are you superstitious?

Yes, very much. Once I do good in racing with certain hat, I try to use it all the time. Same with the sails!!! Until proven wrong!

– 14) Your perfect holiday?


(Main photo and photos 1-4-5-6: courtesy Fred Elliott; photo 2 courtesy Marco Oquendo)


1 comment

Yoyo Callava
02/16/2017 -

Gonzalo mira por casualidad yo saved un articulo del MYC hace mas de tres años, hoy 2/16/17 lo abri y me puse a ver lo de las regatas, porque coño te dicen Viejo? vi tu foto con tu mujer,estan requrte bien consevados, se que ya tu tienes 86 o 87, yo te estoy alcansando 85. Mira nos conocimos cuando teniemos alrededor de 5 o 6 años. SAludos y abrazos, Yoyo Callava..

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