14 Questions to … Gonzalo “Old Man” Diaz
"Attention, Snipe Sailors!" Gonzalo "Old Man" Diaz, THE SNIPE SAILOR, from Havana to Miami, 68 years of sailing Snipes! - 1) Your first time on a sailing boat? In 1943 I was sailing our Club sailboats but I noticed the snipes coming back from racing with the Caribbean trade Winds. They were beautiful coming into our Club little harbor. They were fast! I got in love with the snipe right away!! I was forever hooked! - 2) Your first time on a Snipe? In 1945 I was finally able to crew for one of our Club best sailors. I was 15 years old and after that my father bought me my first snipe on August 1945. She was # 3686. So, in August 2015 I will be sailing snipes for 70 years! I only missed 3 years, in 1961, 62 and 63 when I stopped sailing because the Cuban communists had confiscated all my friends snipes (friends that have left Cuba) and I did not feel comfortable sailing against my friends snipes crewed by people I did not know. In 1964 I had arrived to United States and sailed the Halloween Regatta that year and never stopped again.
“Attention, Snipe Sailors!”
Gonzalo “Old Man” Diaz, THE SNIPE SAILOR, from Havana to Miami, 68 years of sailing Snipes!
– 1) Your first time on a sailing boat?
In 1943 I was sailing our Club sailboats but I noticed the snipes coming back from racing with the Caribbean trade Winds. They were beautiful coming into our Club little harbor. They were fast! I got in love with the snipe right away!! I was forever hooked!
– 2) Your first time on a Snipe?
In 1945 I was finally able to crew for one of our Club best sailors. I was 15 years old and after that my father bought me my first snipe on August 1945. She was # 3686. So, in August 2015 I will be sailing snipes for 70 years! I only missed 3 years, in 1961, 62 and 63 when I stopped sailing because the Cuban communists had confiscated all my friends snipes (friends that have left Cuba) and I did not feel comfortable sailing against my friends snipes crewed by people I did not know. In 1964 I had arrived to United States and sailed the Halloween Regatta that year and never stopped again.
– 3) The most bizarre thing that happened in a regatta?
I have so many but I don’t remember well. In One Don Q in the 70’s a whole bunch of snipes sailed too far away and did not hear the horn and missed the first start for a few minutes, that is when I decided to start using the shotgun at least for the warning signal. We may also shoot for the start and the individual or general recall.
– 4) What is the thing that most angers you in a race/regatta?
Nothing that I can remember!
– 5) Which is the race/regatta that you remember with the most pleasure?
1952 Midwinters in Clearwater when I placed 5th right behind a bunch of great sailors, like Ted Wells, Francis Seavy, Owen Duffy and Ray Kaufman.
– 6) And the race/regatta you would like to forget?
1959 Worlds in Puerto Alegre, Brazil, when I was approaching the weather mark in first place in the last race, my competition Paul Elvstrom was in the tank (he had already used his throwout race) and I had a chance to win the Worlds, but the wind died and the race was cancelled.
– 7) Your “dream in the peak”? (Your sailing dream?)
Reach 2015 sailing Snipes! Then I will be 70 years sailing the Snipe!
– 8) Sailing goals for 2013, and beyond?
Sailing in every possible snipe race! But, at my old age, I am trying to be more cautious.
– 9) The most important people for you in sailing and in the Snipe?
That is a very difficult question. I can think on all the crews that I have had, my brother Saul with whom I got 2nd in the 1959 Worlds, my sons Gonzo and Augie and so many other people that have helped me with the Rasco, the Don Q and the Florida State Juniors. Jim Weber who was the finest Race Committee Chairman and advisor I had for the Snipe Regattas at our Coconut Grove Sailing Club. Brainard Cooper that for years and years have been a great friend and advisor for snipe racing matters and rules and others that I would like to mention but would make a never ending list.
– 10) Why the Snipe?
Because I fell in love with the boat and that love has never died! The boat is now prettier and more comfortable than it was 70 years ago.
– 11) Your perfect sailing venue and your perfect sailing conditions?
OOpps!! that is an easy question: South Easterly winds 10 to 15 in Biscayne Bay
– 12) Besides sailing which other sport do you practice?
Sorry, NONE!
– 13) Are you superstitious?
Yes, very much. Once I do good in racing with certain hat, I try to use it all the time. Same with the sails!!! Until proven wrong!
– 14) Your perfect holiday?
(Main photo and photos 1-4-5-6: courtesy Fred Elliott; photo 2 courtesy Marco Oquendo)
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1 comment
Yoyo Callava
Gonzalo mira por casualidad yo saved un articulo del MYC hace mas de tres años, hoy 2/16/17 lo abri y me puse a ver lo de las regatas, porque coño te dicen Viejo? vi tu foto con tu mujer,estan requrte bien consevados, se que ya tu tienes 86 o 87, yo te estoy alcansando 85. Mira nos conocimos cuando teniemos alrededor de 5 o 6 años. SAludos y abrazos, Yoyo Callava..
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