Protocol for Prizegiving at Major Championships

Protocol for Prizegiving at Major Championships Image

Regatta organizers, a protocol paper to assist in prizegivings at major championships has been created and can now be downloaded or viewed under Race Management tools.


Prizegivings are special events that left a strong mark on our memory. There is a lot of tradition associated to these events, where old, famous and coveted trophies are awarded.

These moments are special and solemn and cannot be debased: we must honor the winners of yesterday and those of today.

To ensure consistency at all SCIRA major event ceremonies, and guarantee that minimum standards of dignity and protocol are adhered to, a standard format for Awards Ceremonies at SCIRA major events has been agreed.

Read the document:

Protocol for Prize-Giving Ceremonies



Read also:

Dress Code for SCIRA Officer written by Commodore Bruce H. Colyer in 1978

Babies and Bathwater by Paul Cayard



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