My Experience as Measurer at the Junior Worlds
By Andrea Leonardi When the Italian National Secretary, Francesco Fontana, asked for my free time to spend measuring sails at the next Worlds, I answered that I would have liked to be there for the Junior Worlds, knowing and considering my passion for improve opportunities and possibilities of young athletes; for me it would be, finally, the opportunity to meet the chief measurer Antonio Espada and reach more knowledge into the Class rules, met seven years ago. ...
By Andrea Leonardi
When the Italian National Secretary, Francesco Fontana, asked for my free time to spend measuring sails at the next Worlds, I answered that I would have liked to be there for the Junior Worlds, knowing and considering my passion for improve opportunities and possibilities of young athletes; for me it would be, finally, the opportunity to meet the chief measurer Antonio Espada and reach more knowledge into the Class rules, met seven years ago.
In talamone, I measured 77 sails of the 36 boats enrolled and some of them wanted measure or simply check other sails measured in other times.
Generally, I found good sails, well designed and well assembled, able to be durables for much time.
Thinking about the championship, I want to thank all the junior athletes (we need to do it) who have demostrated good education and good relations with all meaurers and me, helping the understanding when I showed troubles (few troubles) linked to their sails.
It was a good experiences for the Italian Snipe Class, not only for me.
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