First Test: International Ranking Proposal #1

By Pietro Fantoni Two months ago the Promotion Committee presented two International Rankings (Snipe Super Series). The two proposals are quite different (as you can check in the Spring edition of the Snipe Bulletin and on this link). We said that we would like to test it as early as this year, so we can better understand the operation and make any necessary adjustments. Don Bedford prepared a very useful spreadsheet based on proposal #1. Now thanks to the hard work of Daniela Semec from Trieste, we have started to collect and upload data into that spreadsheet. After discussing with Daniela about how to improve the uploading process, we need to make some adjustments. At the end of the article is the very first (test) "SSS Ranking file" updated until the Don Q Regatta in Miami. ...

First Test: International Ranking Proposal  #1 Image

By Pietro Fantoni

Two months ago the Promotion Committee presented two International Rankings (Snipe Super Series).

The two proposals are quite different (as you can check in the Spring edition of the Snipe Bulletin and on this link).

We said that we would like to test it as early as this year, so we can better understand the operation and make any necessary adjustments.

Don Bedford prepared a very useful spreadsheet based on proposal #1.

Now thanks to the hard work of Daniela Semec from Trieste, we have started to collect and upload data into that spreadsheet. After discussing with Daniela about how to improve the uploading process, we need to make some adjustments.

At the end of the article is the very first (test) “SSS Ranking file” updated until the Don Q Regatta in Miami.

Facts and suggestions:

  • The Ranking is experimental for this year. Only some regattas were included, so the ranking is not exhaustive.
  • Most regattas were not sent to SnipeToday, so the editors had to search or ask for the results.
  • In future, results must be sent to [email protected] to be included in the results. We hope that the national secretaries will coordinate with organizers to make sure this happens. (See regulation 5.3 of the proposal: “The results of the regatta must be transmitted via e-mail to [email protected] and published by the website no later than 6 days after the end of the competition.”)
  • Uploading the results is currently done manually, for each name and for each regatta, by Daniela Semec. It takes a lot of time.
  • Regatta results need to be sent in a format where the names can be exported into the SSS excel file (not as a .jpeg).
  • Different regatta results list sailors’ names in different ways: first name, then surname or vice versa; sometimes a middle name and sometimes no (and many Spanish and Brazilians have very long names). This can lead to errors and duplications.
  • For the future we hope to find a consistent format for the names, which will facilitate uploading data to the SSS file.
  • Ideally, the best solution would be that a sailor’s SCIRA ID (from the new SCIRA Database) is added to the spreadsheet, which will minimize errors and facilitate uploading data. Also in this way membership can be controlled by SCIRA.




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