Attention Snipe Sailors! April Fool’s Stories

Attention Snipe Sailors! April Fool’s Stories Image

Moruzzo, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy – Jamestown, Rhode Island, USA – April 1st, 2019

We hope you have enjoyed our April Fool’s stories.

Pesce d’aprile! Poisson d’avril! Aprilvis!

(i.e. April’s Fish)

Caros marinheiros da classe Snipe, não se preocupe: os artigos do passado eram uma piada. April Fools significa piada de abril. O primeiro de abril é o dia das piadas (Dia da mentira) em grande parte da Europa e América do Norte.

Please check back later this week for more news from around the Snipe world.

The Editors

(photo Max Ceschia)

Commodore Fantoni Announces New Membership and Fine Structures to Fund a SCIRA Officials’ Health Spa and Social Club

US Nationals: Fleet 554 Leases All Oyster Beds on Cape Cod

Climate Change on Lake Bracciano: Sailing Initiatives

SCIRA’s New Chief Measurer



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