World Snipe Days 2019

By Pietro Fantoni – SCIRA Commodore
Dear National Secretaries, Fleet Captains, Snipe Sailors,
In 2018 many SCIRA Countries and a lot of Fleets organized many promotional activities and Snipe Days. We reported these initiatives with photos and articles on the Bulletin and on SnipeToday. Congratulations!
In 2019 Countries, Fleets and Sailors can continue in this direction and maybe can do more about promotion.
Here some bullet points:
- Class promotion is one of the main aspects to work on and the fleet activity is the fulcrum of the promotion.
- A lively fleet promotes events, regattas, clinics, training sessions, parties among its members, but should also focuses its attention outside on other sailors.
- The aim is to attract new people to our Class by helping them discover our wonderful boat.
- This is the reason why the Board warmly encourages fleets in all countries to organize a World Snipe Day, at the best time of year for such activities in your region.
- We are convinced that, with the commitment of passionate Snipe sailors of each fleet, it is possible to re-launch and give new vigor to our Class in each region, even guaranteeing a generational change.
Then we will be happy to publish in the Snipe Bulletin and on SnipeToday your World Snipe Day report. It is important for us and for the other fleets share your experiences and receive suggestions and comments about these promotional activities.
SCIRA Commodore
Planning before Snipe Day
- Select a good date to host to maximize participation
- Identify a Snipe Day coordinator (possibly the Fleet Captain) and a head coach (if different)
- Delegate – if necessary – for areas: communication/invitation; on land preparation, boats, support boats, social activities)
- Mobilize the whole local Snipe community to promote the event, and invite local Snipe sailors to lend their boats and to volunteer for the event
- Personally invite sailors who might be interested in Snipe Sailing (usually a personal invite works better than generic communication via websites, Facebook or Twitter)
- And/or be active on communicating the upcoming event
- emails, web-pages, Facebook, Twitter,…
- local sailing club web pages, bulletins
- Start early
- Register participants and confirm registration on email
- Follow up with every interested person
- Organize the World Snipe Day’s activities according to the “target” or the level of the sailors (for example, for an Open Day direct for the juniors or youth sailors should be run with at least one expert “cool” junior Snipe sailor as coach).
During Snipe Day
- Organize enough support personnel, capable skippers and boats for arrangements
- Arrange something cool for the event, music, coffee, drinks, anything to raise the mood
- Hold a short Snipe introduction session in the beginning (see Note 1 below)
- this works well also as a separate event week or two before the Snipe Day
- tell about the class, your fleet activities
- Give short introduction of the boat ashore
- explain the main controls, positioning of the skipper and the crew etc.
- keep it simple, appreciate the differences on the experience of the audience
- – Safety is #1
- give clear safety instructions
- flotation vests are mandatory for all
- don’t go out if it is too windy
- explain what to do if the boat capsizes
- Arrange support motor boats – RIB
- changing the crew is most effective out at sea from the support boat
- have at least one alternate crew member on each support boat
- Have short test for each person
- 10-15 minutes per person
- short sessions keep the interest both on the one sailing and the ones waiting for their turn
- if you must change crew on the sea, be very careful to avoid injury
After Snipe Day
- Hold a debriefing session ashore
- ask for questions
- answer the questions
- take names for further contacts
- agree next test sessions
- be sure to follow up with everyone who shows interest
- Project & display cool photos and videos of the Snipe Class
- Be passionate and describe the boat and the Class organization, focusing on:
- Why sail a Snipe? The Snipe motto: “Serious Sailing, Serious Fun” (see Note 2 below)
- “The Snipe, One boat for all”, with regattas for juniors, senior, female and mixed teams;
- a really international class with over 31,000 boats built with fleets in 32 countries,
- regattas are in Europe, Americas and in Orient- for champions and beginners, for juniors (under 21), women, masters (over 45) and mixed teams
- Describe the fleet activities and the regatta schedule in your area and country
- Organize snacks and drinks or a casual dinner
Following weeks
- Arrange new test sessions for those who are really interested
- Arrange training sessions to all newcomers, practice and theory!
- Share your experience on SnipeToday with comments and suggestions for future World Snipe Day
Remember to have SERIOUS FUN!
Note 1: a good starting point could be this article:
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