SSA Snipe Spring Series

Annapolis, MD, USA, May 14, 2023

SSA Snipe Spring Series Image
Photo courtesy of Annapolis Snipe Fleet

Annapolis, MD, USA, May 14, 2023. Final results after 3 races:

  1. Arthur Blodgett & Darby Capellin, 9
  2. Lee Griffith & Nikki Bruno, 9
  3. Bradley Adam & Bryan Stout, 9
  4. Bob Adam & Stephanie Adam, 13
  5. Brady Stagg & Gracie McDougall, 14
130473La Flama BlancaArthur Blodgett/Darby CapellinSSA/St Petersburg YC1179.001
231304 Lee Griffith/Nikki BrunoSurf City YC4239.002
329044 Bradley Adam/Bryan StoutSSA2349.003
430302Touch of GreyBob Adam/Stephanie AdamSail Newport65213.004
530195 Brady Stagg/Gracie McDougallSSA58114.005
631313Old Folks BoogieAlex Pline/Lisa PlineSSA37515.006
729682LizzieLorie Stout/Sunny SturmerSSA74617.007
83129 Preston Senior/Kate ShermockEYC86923.008
930860Her FaultDevon FeusahrensSSA1010828.009
1031061 Rich McVeigh/Carol McVeighSSA991028.0010
1130687 Avery Fanning/Samantha PilzSSA12/DNC12/DNC12/DNC36.0011

Regatta report



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