Finland R2 – Short Course Nationals

Tampere, June 12, 2022. Final results after 10 races (2 discards).
- Antti Mikkonen & Matias Mikkonen, 14
- Kai Saarhelo & Jaakko Mikkonen, 16
- Kivi Siik & Julianna Perttala, 23
- Reino Suonsilta & Vivi Seirala, 24
- Mikko Makinen & Vesa Metso, 28

Seven teams participated Finnish short course Nationals in Tampere. Very interesting concept to run 10 races in two days, lasting 15-30 min each, with many starts, tacks and crossings. The competition was sailed in varying weather. During the weekend the winds changed between 3-12 m/s.
Teams crossed the finish line in varying order and with very small differences. During the weekend five different teams took a race win.
Antti and Matias Mikkonen won the regatta, although their jib halyard and pole flex cord both broke down during the competition. Great job and congratulations!
Thank you for the small, but very effective, team in Tampereen Pursiseura!
– Viivi Seirala (FIN28861)
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