Winchester Invitational / East Coast Classic Snipe Rally

Winchester, July 8-9, 2017 Report by Art Rousmaniere Jim Bowers claims his 19th Winchester Invitational crown Jim Bowers and Julia Rabin recovered from an OCS and capsize on the first of 8 races to eek out the most consistent and top-dating team of Cam Fraser and Liz Glavinski by 1 point over a weekend of gorgeous westerlies on the Mystic Lake outside Boston. Except for Jim and Julia's double boo-boo to start the weekend, the two teams finished no more than 3 boats apart all weekend. Top spouse team of Jock and Myrna MacRae took third while the daughter-mother Katie and Sarah Levinson broke the tie for fourth with current Tufts sailing team members Nick Giacobbe and Laura Dienemann. ...

Winchester Invitational / East Coast Classic Snipe Rally Image

Winchester, July 8-9, 2017

Report by Art Rousmaniere

Jim Bowers claims his 19th Winchester Invitational crown

Jim Bowers and Julia Rabin recovered from an OCS and capsize on the first of 8 races to eek out the most consistent and top-dating team of Cam Fraser and Liz Glavinski by 1 point over a weekend of gorgeous westerlies on the Mystic Lake outside Boston. Except for Jim and Julia’s double boo-boo to start the weekend, the two teams finished no more than 3 boats apart all weekend. Top spouse team of Jock and Myrna MacRae took third while the daughter-mother Katie and Sarah Levinson broke the tie for fourth with current Tufts sailing team members Nick Giacobbe and Laura Dienemann.


The regatta also served as the East Coast edition of this year’s Classic Snipe Rally, and the 2.5 “woodies” (Joe Kurland returned with his 1970 Chubasco with a wooden deck) added that flair that only wooden boats can. Snipe #35, until the weekend owned by Joe Bassett, was discovered and saved from a marsh on Cape Cod way back in the 50’s, refurbished in all her splendor and is now on her way down to the Tampa area with Joe’s nephew Peter Lane. Jennifer Rousmaniere got plenty of exercise by constantly pumping on 1939 #3258 “Woody” as the leak from last year proved to be alive and well.

Gibetech builder Andy Pimental was seen packing up at the end of day one. When queried on where he was going, he replied “one day of practice is enough, see you in August”. You gotta love confidence.



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