Worlds – Day 4

Worlds – Day 4 Image

Rio de Janero, September 26, 2013.

The RC planned to sail three races for the fourth day of the Snipe World Championship. The forecast was for SW wind of 10-15 knots, but when the boats, going to the race course, arrived close to the Playa do Flamengo, big gusts approached the fleet at around 25-30 knots.

Many sailors supposed that the race was to be postponed and went behind the Escola Naval (Navy Accademy) for covering from the big gusts. It seemed exactly the same as the day before. But the RC didn’t hoist the AP flag, so the race started on time. Less than 30 boats were able to reach the line and start in time and a few more were able to start inside the 5 minute time limit after the start. During the first beat and the following legs other boats entered in the race course and completed the course, although they didn’t start.

Matheus Tavares and Daniel Claro won the race, followed by Bethlem – Dante and Urban – Sapucaia.

The second race took place in little bit less wind. The Argentinians Luis Soubie and Dieguito Lipszyc stoped the domination of the Brazilians, winning the race. The third race was abbondoned on the second upwind leg, because the wind shifted to the right and dropped to almost nothing.

The Brazilians hold the top three spots. Soubie – Lipszyc are fourth and Japanese Shunishiro – Ueda are fifth.

… full results (pending protests) …

(photo gallery Fred Hoffmann)

Results – Day 4



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