Main International Events in 2020

Open letter from the Commodore
(Photo courtesy of Carloni/Raspar)
Dear National Secretaries,
I would like to share with you the 2020 SCIRA Calendar with the main international regattas.
My intent is to try to avoid overlapping between the international, national and local events. In this way we can encourage the participation in regattas organized in other countries.
- 2020 South Americans – April 8-11, Montevideo, URU
- 2020 Master Worlds: May 2-9, St Petersburg, Florida
- 2020 So Europeans: Aug 8-10, Vigo, ESP
- 2020 Europeans: Aug 31-Sept 5, Split, CRO
- 2020 North Americans: Sept 11-13, Jubilee YC, Beverly, MA
- 2020 WH&O: Sept 22-26, Cottage Park YC, Winthrop, Boston, MA
- 2020 Jr Europeans: September 17-20; Almeria, ESP
- 2020 Women’s Worlds: October 9-12; Sao Paulo, BRA
Please forward this calendar to your Fleet captains and Members, so they can plan their next season.
Also, please check at the major rotation grid ( for the future championships. The Board is looking for bids for the following major events:
- 2020 and 2021 Nordics
- 2021 European Masters
- 2021 European Cup
- 2021 South Americans
- 2021 South Europeans
- 2021 North Americans
I would like to highlight that the best way to promote our Class is to organize regattas. It doesn’t matter if it is a small local regatta or a big international regatta. Organizing a regatta is exciting and fun, can involve a lot of old or new Snipe friends, can awake the enthusiasm in your fleet or in your country. And can be an opportunity to show to other countries your club, your sailing area, your ability to organize a regatta and … the parties (the serious fun is always important in our Class).
So, please don’t be hesitate to submit a bid for a big regatta and pay attention to the deadlines! Of course for any further information, contact the SCIRA office.
Thank you for your attention and for your help
Best regards,
Pietro Fantoni
SCIRA Commodore
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