Herb Shear Classic
Mission Bay, May 17-18, 2014 Notice of Race available By John Fretwell 22 Teams Pre-Registered! Just under two weeks to go!! $40 includes two t-shirts per boat, trophies for the top 5 teams, plus a large variety of special awards, and as much beer as we can afford! We can easily get this event to over 30 boats!
Mission Bay, May 17-18, 2014
Notice of Race available
By John Fretwell
22 Teams Pre-Registered! Just under two weeks to go!!
$40 includes two t-shirts per boat, trophies for the top 5 teams, plus a large variety of special awards, and as much beer as we can afford!
We can easily get this event to over 30 boats!
Hoping to see: Doug and Beth Martin Hart, Chuck Sinks, Tyler Sinks, Scotty Sinks, Matt Gatsby, Jim and Kim Hecht, Ray Treppa, the Majernik family, Ryan Hopps, Alexandra Fayer, Sonya Smith, Randy Lake, George Szabo, Stacey Szabo, Tybur Reed, Brian Stanford, Peter Commette, Carol Newman Cronin, Scott Dalin, Gene Ratliffe, the Nakagaki family, the Hatter family, Rick Arneson, Diana Waterbury, Allie Blecher, Nate Dunham, Bob Bowden, Andrew Campbell, Brian Haines, Butch Michel, Packy Davis, Vincent Casalaina, Jerry Thompson, Mandi Dufort, Steve Stewart, Cole and Steve Harris, and anyone else interested in Serious Sailing, Serious Fun!!!
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