2023 Snipe Western Hemisphere & Asia Championship

2023 Snipe Western Hemisphere & Asia Championship Image

Registration is now open for the 2023 Snipe Western Hemisphere & Asia Championship

Algarrobo, Chile, March 14-19, 2023


The allocation schedule is as follows:

Each WH&A country has 5 entries for the initial registration.

Initial Registration period: Opens September 31, 2022 or sooner – Ends: January 10, 2023.

Reallocation period: Opens January 11, 2023 – Ends: February 3, 2023.

First Call Opens February 4, 2023 – Ends March 10, 2023.

If those 5 are not taken by January 10, we will reallocate to countries that have met their 5 paid entries.

If as a WH&A National Secretary,  you would like to ask for additional entries, please send a list of ranked/approved sailors to the SCIRA office before January 10.

The Notice of Race is posted on the website –

This looks to be an exceptional event that Chile is organizing!

Chile to host Snipe Hemisphere Championship

Thirty-five teams representing 7 nations will be on the starting line in Algarrobo, Chile to contest for the Snipe Western Hemisphere & Asia Championship March 14-19.

The Hayward Western Hemisphere Championship has been contested for since 1950, held in the non-World Championship years and has such names engraved on the trophy as Dr. Clement Inclan, Ted Wells, Augie Diaz, Jeff Lenhart, Santiago Lange and the Paradeda brothers to name a few. Returning WHA champions include Raul Rios (Puerto Rico), Ernesto Rodriguez (USA), Pablo Defazio (URU), Ricky Fabini (URU) with a last minute cancellation of Augie Diaz (USA) due to the recent loss of his father. Also missing this year are entries from Japan.
Locals Matias and Constanza Seguel (CHI), who are the 2019 South American champions will be a tough team to beat, sailing in their own waters, as well as current SA champion Luis Soubie (ARG) with 2x winner Rafael Gagliotti (BRA) and Juliana Duque (BRA) who recently won the hotly contested Brazilian Nationals.   The WHA will also serve as a country qualifier for 2 nations for the Pan Am Games to be sailed in the same waters October 25-Nov 5, 2023.  The Snipe is a mixed dinghy for the Pan Am Games with 21 of the teams registered as mixed. 
Conditions for the regattas look ideal with 8-20 knots forecasted over the week of competition.  “We are very excited to welcome all the teams to Algarrobo to contest this Championship with the best from the Snipe Hemisphere,”  Alberto Prieto, Regatta Organizer stated.
Competitors have begun registration and measurement with a practice race on Monday.  Racing begins on Tuesday, March 14 with 2 races scheduled per day with the final day on Saturday, March 18.
The regatta can be followed on the Championship website: https://wha.snipechampionships.org/ for results and additional information with photos by Matias Capizzano.
Instagram: @SnipeToday
Instagram Chile: @SnipeChile



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