Brazilian Nationals 2024

The Brazilian Snipe Nationals are coming up. Have you already purchased your tickets?

Brazilian Nationals 2024 Image
Photo courtesy of Fred Hoffmann

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 20-27, 2024

Event’s page

The Brazilian Snipe Nationals are coming up. Have you already purchased your tickets?

From January 20 thru 27, 2024, Iate Clube do Rio de Janeiro will host the 74th Brazilian Snipe Nationals and we are confident that we will break the barrier of 100 boats. Rumors from the old-timers of the class claim that, in the past, there was a championship with 104 boats, but we have no official records of this feat.

And why do we believe that we will reach this goal?

  • Because we are working very hard to make the championship a fantastic event
  • Because the Snipe class in Brazil is doing great, thanks
  • Because the fleet in Rio is very engaged and has lots of highly technical sailors 
  • Because the race course of the Guanabara Bay, besides being one of the prettiest in the world, offers wind and tide conditions that challenge the sailors’ skills
  • Because we will help you solve whatever is necessary for you to attend 
Record of the 2013 Brazilian championship with 94 boats. Photo by Fred Hoffmann


Before anything else: why does the championship promise to be a big event?

Serious sailing is a dear subject for us:

  • The Brazilian Championship follows the same competition format as the World Championship: there will be 9 races during 5 days.
  • Expect a very high technical level, given that Brazil has a large quantity of sailors that are constantly among the top positions in the world championships and we hope to have many international sailors showing up for our event.
  • Club will have a team of top officials.

Serious fun is just as important:

Rio de Janeiro, in terms of tourism, needs no introduction; it is a vibrant city with a chain of first class hotels.

And do you know the ICRJ? It’s a club that breathes sailing, with unique infrastructure, and has already confirmed that we will have free beer every day after racing.

The championship’s social agenda will be released soon, but get ready for beer-fueled get-togethers.


The class in Brazil is experiencing a unique moment. Our recent National Secretaries have done an excellent work and the Snipe class in Brazil is thriving. Each year, the number of decals increases and Brazil’s performance in the past few Worlds speaks for itself.


The class in Rio is on the rise. Year after year, we are beating new records in terms of decals. In our State Ranking, we had 274 sailors in 2022 and expect to surpass this number in 2023.

And how have we beaten the record of participants in the past two State Championships? Our class is heavily engaged with many sailors volunteering to support our events. Everyone helps in whatever way they can, and it will be no different in organizing this regatta.


Do you need a charter boat? Contact the organization and we will have a dedicated team to find a boat for you.

Any doubts? Do you want hotel recommendations? Feel free to send me a message thru WhatsApp and I will be glad to help you participate in our championship!

See you in January!

Written by Gustavo Baiano and Michelle Chevrand, translated by Luis Borba



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