Amended Class Rule Changes

Amended Class Rule Changes Image

New Class Rule amendments have been posted on the Snipe website. Make sure you’re up to date!



Amended Class Rule Changes

The following Rules have been amended & approvied by the SCIRA Board and World Sailing:

Amend to read
Painted using varnish or permanent marker in contrasting colour and on port and starboard sides.

Amend to read
The daggerboard shall be attached to the hull with a non-adjustable safety single line at all times while racing (unless for a short period for cleaning garbage or seaweed). The safety line shall be cut to eliminate excesses, and shall be fixed to any part of the daggerboard case and directly fastened with a metal shackle or carabiner above the line connecting the lower part of the stoppers on the daggerboard.

Amend to delete:
For booms built from January 1st 2010 the following limitations shall apply:
Boom hole (if squared)  min 13x13mm; max 14x14mm

Amend to delete
The following are optional: halyard winches, tensioners, mainsail and headsail sheet blocks, fairleads, cleats, mainsail and headsail Cunningham blocks, mainsail bridle, headsail barber hauler, boom vang.

Amend to read
A minimum of 0,184 cubic metres of Styrofoam, Urethane foam, balsa wood or foam enclosed in resin pre-impregnated fibreglass having a maximum density of 40 110kg per cubic metre shall be built anywhere into the hull.

Amend to add
The daggerboard may be anodized or painted

Amend to add
The mast may be anodized or painted

Amend to add
The boom may be anodized or painted

Amend to add
The whisker pole may be anodized or painted

Amend to read
Windows of non-woven material may be added in each sail with a maximum window ply area of 0.2 sq. m. per sail.

Full Class Rules





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