Promotion Committee

By Pietro Fantoni, SCIRA Vice Commodore (Photo courtesy of Matias Capizzano) One of the most important sectors for the development of our class is to promote our class, and for this reason our SCIRA Constitution provides a Promotion Committee. Let me introduce the Promotion Committee. All members have a lot of experience in the Snipe Class and know very well what the class needs to thrive in the future, both at fleet level and international level. They are all very enthusiastic about Snipe sailing and have a variety of specific interests. We have 8 members: ...

Promotion Committee Image

By Pietro Fantoni, SCIRA Vice Commodore

(Photo courtesy of Matias Capizzano)

One of the most important sectors for the development of our class is to promote our class, and for this reason our SCIRA Constitution provides a Promotion Committee.

Let me introduce the Promotion Committee. All members have a lot of experience in the Snipe Class and know very well what the class needs to thrive in the future, both at fleet level and international level. They are all very enthusiastic about Snipe sailing and have a variety of specific interests.

We have 8 members:

  • Andre Guaragna, from Miami, is a junior sailor and can give his perspective about how to attract young sailors.
  • Cesar Travado, from Malaga, Spain, former European Champion, is a coach and an expert on junior programs in Europe.
  • Ivo Gattulli is from Rome and I like his fresh ideas, which sometimes go against the general trend.
  • Kathleen Tocke, from Miami, is a multi time US champion and very passionate about women’s sailing.
  • Luis Soubie, SCIRA Secretary, from Mendoza, Argentina, is a great sailor and can share his huge experience from many years of sailing on all the continents.
  • Reino Suonsilta, from Helsinki, has worked a lot for promoting the Class in Finland and always has interesting ideas about fleet promotion.
  • Zibi Rakocy, SCIRA European Secretary, from Poznan, Poland, has a background in marketing and was the organizer of the last Europeans in Poland.
  • Finally myself, Pietro Fantoni from Moruzzo, Italy. I will try to conduct this talented orchestra.

We have formed small groups (Sub Committees) to work on specific areas or topics. In this way the discussion should be more productive.

The discussion (via e-mail) will be between the members of each sub-committee and will end with a document (phase 1); then the discussion will be between all the members of the Promotion Committee (phase 2); eventually the discussion will come to an end (phase 3), which will result in one of the following: i) an effective and tangible action; or ii) a suggestion/advice/recommendation to the Board, or to another Committee, or to one or more countries or fleets; or iii) a proposal to the Board or to the National Secretaries.

Here are the Sub Committees and their topics:

  • Women’s Promotion:

Topic: Proposal for a Women’s Committee responsible for recruitment of the Women’s Worlds dates/venues

Members: Kathleen, Pietro

Goal: Submit a proposal to the Board

  • Junior Promotion:

Topic: Study new ideas for attracting new junior teams (such as coaching or international exchange programs between fleets/countries)

Members: Andre, Cesar, Kathleen, Pietro

Goals: Effective and tangible action and/or suggestion/advice/recommendation

  • Media & Communications

Topic: Study an effective way for communicating outside the class and attracting new people

Members: Zibi, Ivo, Luis, Pietro

Goals: effective and tangible action and/or suggestion/advice/recommendation

  • Fleets and small countries development

Topic: Study new ideas for attracting newcomers to the Class

Members: Reino, Zibi, Ivo, Pietro

Goals: effective and tangible action and/or suggestion/advice/recommendation

  • Special Projects: International Ranking

Topic: Study an International Snipe Ranking (easy to calculate, affordable for many sailors, inclusive)

Members: Luis, Ivo, Andre, Cesar, Pietro

Goal: effective and tangible action

  • Special Projects: Foreign Affairs

Topic: Study other classes’ strategies about media, sponsorship and communications (eg. Star Sailors League, Dragon, Dinghy 12, Lightning, 5o5 etc.)

Members: Ivo, Kathleen, Zibi, Luis, Pietro

Goals: effective and tangible action and/or suggestion/advice/recommendation


We started to work a few weeks ago and we have already had a lot of discussions. Many ideas are growing. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please submit them to me or another member of the committee.

We will keep you updated on SnipeToday and on the Snipe Bulletin!



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