First Test: International Ranking Proposal #2

Two days ago we posted an article about the International Ranking Proposal #1. Now is the time for the Proposal #2 (written by Cesar Travado and Ivo Gattulli). The two proposal are quite different (for details check here) Here you can find the comments by Cesar Travado and at the end of the article the very first (test) "SSS Ranking file proposal #2", updated until I PAN in Portugal ...

First Test: International Ranking Proposal  #2 Image

Two days ago we posted an article about the International Ranking Proposal #1.

Now is the time for the Proposal #2 (written by Cesar Travado and Ivo Gattulli).

The two proposal are quite different (for details check here)

Here you can find the comments by Cesar Travado and at the end of the article the very first (test) “SSS Ranking file proposal #2”, updated until I PAN in Portugal

By Cesar Travado

About the spreedsheet:

– It is ready for 2500 athletes and 40 regattas but could be increased easily.
– Several commands on it: 2 buttons (sort by score and sort by name) and 3 filters (Name, Nation and total), so it is easy to find an athlete to insert the position.
– The sheet calculates the points according to the position set to the athlete and the regatta level.

How to
1) Introduce the country organizing in line 9 each row (USA, ARG, ESP, ITA, etc)
2) Introduce the level of the regatta. When you select the line 10 each row, a combo box displays to select.
3) Introduce, if desired and not mandatory, the name of the regatta (right button on the mouse and “insert comment”).
4) Click on “Sort by name” button.
5) Filter by “Nation” to display only the athletes for the country organizing the regatta (they will be the most).
6) Introduce in the column “Pos” the overall position. The sheet will calculate the points automatically.
7) Filter by “Nation” or “Name” to display other athletes and repeat 6).
8) Click on “Sort by score” button.

Now there are 590 athletes in the sheet and 15 regattas already scored.
In the “work” label (below), you will find athletes by country.

For competitors, will be easy to find themselves using the filters and check the points in each regatta they took part.
No differences between skippers and crews, they are scoring according to the regattas they attend.
When you have any doubt in a name, you can check by filters to look if he is already in the sheet.

César J. Travado




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